Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Unique Sleeping Quarters

Yes it may look like some random prison cell but its actually a room like many unique rooms at the propeller island hotel, Berlin.
This a traditional Japanese style hotle called a ryoken where you bed is the floor.

This hotel maybe alittle to minimalist in style for some. but the rooms are individual and made up of big ol pipes.

Umm alittle scarey if you ask me a COFFIN BED.

THE Floating BED!!! yeah its cool but also 1.5 million dollars. I don't think i could do it and plus i have a fear of heights.

1 comment:

Mira Eng-Goetz said...

this is such a good title label to include in your blog layout. i'd also like to add that your particular blogger template comes across as bold and feminine-- my only suggestion is that you amp up the contrast between your label fonts. this will make it easier to identify the titles.