This week we were assigned to market our new coming Salvation Army Select store. We hopped on the idea of getting more donations and how to market it in a clever way. The idea of shoes came to mind. We broke into groups Josie, Diana and I came up with the idea of placing hundreds of shoes down a side walk. Walking side by side whether they be glued to the pavement or loose. Everyone walking aside the shoes would follow where they were headed. At the end of the road would be a huge red donation bin for the Salvation Army Select store. We then discussed this idea with our classmates and a second proposal came about. What if we scrounged up a bunch of mismatched shoes and spray painted them red with either the logo in black or a website on the bottom. We think if students were walking down Tate st. or Spring Garden they would follow the shoes curiously. We as a group can volunteer our time on a busy afternoon and take the donations. This idea can also be repeated for the grand opening. Aside from the shoe idea drawing footprints on a side walk with the logo was another way we could take this.
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