Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
These two photos are for a proposed waiting area for the local hospital in Mauritania. Currently there is no area for waiting and patients when the hospital is full line the hall ways. This would allow for a more comfortable enviroment for both patient and physicain.
I really appreciate the structural elements of all of the sketch models.
communicate +charette
#1 Shop Dropping

During this charette we focused on how to get the word out to the community at UNCG and also within the community of Greensboro. On of the ideas we came up with is called Shop Drop. Basically it consists of the oppisite of shop lifting. We would buy goods and replace the labels with our own as a way of spreading the word. The labels could be of our different bus shelter ideas to our buses to our studio mission statement. This is just a way of putting our idea out there in places that every one goes. Once we replaced the labels we would place the goods back in the store where customers are free to take the free of charge.
#2 Digital Display
Imagine as your walking or driving through campus and you look upon the Jackson Library and you see an image you have never seen before upon that building. The next day as you are passing through you notice another image and maybe this time you actually known the person in the image. Each day after that a new image appears upon the building. Maybe eventually your picture shows up on the building. Each day people would continue to pass through campus and see what has changed on the building or if their picture is up. The last day writing appears promoting our second year studio. Through this idea the community sees that the IARC second year studio is designing the better the community.
#4 Magazine cover

An idea for a way to get our work for the year would be to install this framing in at the south centered entrance to the center city park. Its a central location that people form all over the city come to relax and enjoy time alone, or with friends and family. This is a place in the park where pictures can be taken that give the back drop of the beautiful scenery and available here will be information about what were doing as a studio and contact information, which will be located on the back side of the structure.
#5 Coupon Book

#6 [unity] t-shirt
Friday, September 19, 2008

Our experience with the various requirements to support human activities and needs concerning our shelter:bus was challenging. Although we, as a group, thought that we had designed our buses thoughtfully, the "codes +" charrette on proved differently.
What we would recommend to other designers when creating a space in which humans will interact with, is to pay close attention to every detail, large and small, to ensure that the experience one will have with the space will not only be enjoyable, but equally accessible for all. For example, when considering a space for an individual who may be in a wheelchair, you need not only think about the space it will take to enter the room, but also the dimensions for turning around, turning around an object, backing up, and approaching the space horizontally and vertically. These considerations, unfortunately, were not thought of when designing our prototype shelter:bus. The codes that need be applied to most every space are very helpful in further considering your design and its impact on those we will interact with it. For example, when sitting at a desk you must think of how much clearance an average person would need and also how much someone who is not average would need and combine the two. The codes really helped us, as a group, to look at every inch of our space differently.
The overall experience with the "codes +" charrette was difficult at first but was very helpful in the end. The regulations and requirements to support human activities is something that will enhance our designing capabilities because they really taught us to not only look at our space in our shelter:bus completely different, but also that we must always consider who we are designing for in order to have a successful and welcoming design.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The video above is a collection of information we hope can help us make informed decisions in our future endeavors as designers with our Bus Shelter/ Shelter Bus Studio Projects.
We'd Like to thank everyone for your time and cooperation with our assignment.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Obviously I took my trip before I read so when riding I didn't think about the bus ride in reflection of the historical movement that the 60's brought about, but on my bus ride there was a sign in honor of Ms. Rosa Parks and Her Sitting. The sit in movement brought about great change in the Greensboro area, as well as many other cities in the south. I still am proud of the fact that these were people who were very proud, and some of the best of their race, because they're aren't many who could do what they did without fear, discouragement, and the ability to carry on with "passive insistence" as was Quoted in the Civil and Civil Rights Reading. Its a true sign of strength and how one person can inspire many, and as a human race together through uplifting one another can true cause revolution.
Reading + Riding + Recording
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Written : Hello Tommy, I would love to help in the planning of the upcoming alumna reunion event. It would be a thrill not only to help plan, but to meet many of our alumni, to get to know the people who do what I can only dream of doing. To help on any level would be my pleasure!
~Nacarra Lessane
photography by:Bill Bensley
Reflection: First Week of Classes

I was so excited to get back to school to get back to work. But on the eve of this event i got on blackboard and saw where my classes had posted their syllabi. Lets just say my printer ran out of ink ( lol it was low anyway)! I realized at that moment I had a very busy semester of me, and its best to stay ahead of the game. Begin on Monday we were all given our assignments for the week which turned to chaos on Wednesday is deciding what we were going to do for our presentations as a group. By Friday the tension had mounted as the entire class had to devise a way to make out individual elements cohesively exist in one installation , my blood pressure was up!!! But by the end of the day everything was done and everyone was happy! For the weekend I went with some friends to emerald point and almost drown to start off the second week of classes!!