For th precedence study for the Shelter/Bus charette our Yoda group (which consist of Hanna , Mira, and Myself) looked outside of the United States to Mauritania a city near the Sahara in Africa.
Mauritania (Arabic:
موريتانيا Mūrītāniyā), officially the Islamic Republic of
Mauritania, is a country in northwest Africa.
The country is generally flat, forming vast, arid plains broken by occasional ridges and cliff like outcroppings.
Approximately three quarters of Mauritania is desert or semi desert. As a result of extended, severe drought, the desert has been expanding since the mid-1960s. To the west, between the ocean and the plateaus, are alternating areas of clayey plains (regs) and sand dunes (ergs), some of which shift from place to place, gradually moved by high wind. The dunes generally increase in size and mobility toward the north.
The nation's coastal waters are among the richest fishing areas in the world, but overexploitation by foreigners threatens this key source of revenue. The country's first deepwater port opened near Nouakchott in 1986. In recent years, drought and economic mismanagement have resulted in a buildup of foreign debt. As a member of the Peace Corp. Mira Eng-Goetz lived and worked with the people of the village of Kenobi in Mauritania.
Experiencing there day to day celebrations and Struggles as they live out there lives in the Desert like conditions which turn into mosquito infested Waste lands during torrential rainy season.
In our sketch models below we chose to develop interventions that would help the village on kenobi through both there rainy and dry seasons.
This a a water reservoir that would be linked via piping to the well that supplies the village with water. This is a form of water harvesting that is much needed during Mauritania's dry arid season.

This is a grainery and it is place upon a platform to prevent water damage to the store grain which is essential to the Kenobi yearly food supply. It also would be lined with a tarp.

This well was inspired by a common need throughout the under developed world, where water sanitation in uncovered wells is often an issue. This design proposes that the user simply lower and raise the the well cover with a pulley system.

These two photos are for a proposed waiting area for the local hospital in Mauritania. Currently there is no area for waiting and patients when the hospital is full line the hall ways. This would allow for a more comfortable enviroment for both patient and physicain.

This last model is a mock market that would be on elevated land that curved so that during the rainy season the market would not flood. Lining the market would also be rock pits at could support human weight and would drain water to the water table faster.

I really appreciate the structural elements of all of the sketch models.
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