#1 Shop Dropping

During this charette we focused on how to get the word out to the community at UNCG and also within the community of Greensboro. On of the ideas we came up with is called Shop Drop. Basically it consists of the oppisite of shop lifting. We would buy goods and replace the labels with our own as a way of spreading the word. The labels could be of our different bus shelter ideas to our buses to our studio mission statement. This is just a way of putting our idea out there in places that every one goes. Once we replaced the labels we would place the goods back in the store where customers are free to take the free of charge.
#2 Digital Display
Imagine as your walking or driving through campus and you look upon the Jackson Library and you see an image you have never seen before upon that building. The next day as you are passing through you notice another image and maybe this time you actually known the person in the image. Each day after that a new image appears upon the building. Maybe eventually your picture shows up on the building. Each day people would continue to pass through campus and see what has changed on the building or if their picture is up. The last day writing appears promoting our second year studio. Through this idea the community sees that the IARC second year studio is designing the better the community.
#4 Magazine cover

An idea for a way to get our work for the year would be to install this framing in at the south centered entrance to the center city park. Its a central location that people form all over the city come to relax and enjoy time alone, or with friends and family. This is a place in the park where pictures can be taken that give the back drop of the beautiful scenery and available here will be information about what were doing as a studio and contact information, which will be located on the back side of the structure.
#5 Coupon Book

#6 [unity] t-shirt
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